There’s a NETCA group that runs and shows old toy trains at our meets. While we are beginning with Lionel, American flyer and Marx O/O-27, other gauges and manufacturers
Some of us are old toy train fans who don't have a home layout or a formal display of our collections, while others are interested in sharing their favorite part of the hobby at our meets. If this sounds like you, feel free to check us out at the next meet and get involved.
At some meets, we’ve had a double track O gauge loop, while others have expanded those loops to include O27 and standard gauge trackage. We’re always considering new ideas, and with a show of interest and contributors we’ll be pursuing action packed presentations such as:
Do you have a small collection of interesting trains that you would like to share with others? Would you like to get some of your trains operating on our layout? There’s a lot of ways to join in and make our meets even better!
If you are interested in participating, email Malcolm Laughlin.
Looking forward to seeing you at out next meet.
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