Dear NETCA Division Member,
On behalf of Ed Barulli, NETCA President, and your NETCA Board of Directors, we urge you to vote YES on the proposed TCA By-Law change listed on page 40 of National Headquarters News February 2023 edition.
It has been brought to my attention that there was some confusion or misunderstanding of what the proposed Bylaws Amendment does.
The purpose of the amendment was to give the Board of Directors the option and ability to outsource the bookkeeping function at Headquarters if and when it is necessary. For those members who do not have the history of TCA, and the difficulties in finding a qualified TCA volunteer in the past, who has the necessary background and time to be willing to take the job, this will help the BOD in selecting a candidate for Treasurer. When implemented by the BOD, this will change the job description to an oversight role to make it easer to find a TCA volunteer to take the Treasurer’s job.
This amendment allows the BOD to go outside to find an accounting firm when and if it is necessary to find a new Treasurer with different qualifications. Once it is determined that we can not find that person, it will give the BOD an alternative. When necessary, the BOD will go through the regular process of procurement with the statement of work, requesting bids, and having a selection process.
We need to keep in mind that we have a million-dollar annual operating budget each year. Each year it is necessary to fulfill state and federal required reporting, as well as provide the most accurate financial reporting to you, the membership. As in past years without officer elections, the voting will be accomplished with mail-in balloting. This, along with ballot counting done at Headquarters, allows us to save costs by not hiring an outside firm.
Please VOTE – Don’t forget to include your name and TCA Number as the ballot specifies.
Thank you for your consideration for a better TCA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me,
Ed Barulli, President
NETCA Division
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